For our long-standing and close relationship with our select guests, just as the need to examine thoroughly the relationship “excellent accommodation” And “correct diet “, we have created a beautiful environment to be visited, a small paradise, where the visitor can tour and enjoy fresh biological vegetables and fruit, distinguishing easily the authentic taste without fertilizers or added chemicals to the products, in contrast to wholesale and retail trade.
So, welcome to our model farm when you can take directly biological vegetables in season, fruit, and beneficial herbs for drinking and cooking.
Welcome to your acquaintance with our authentic products of a plundered countryside with man the epicenter.
Olive Oil
Finally this visit will admit you into the olive grove where extra virgin olive oil is produced, which is used especially in the preparation of breakfast and the traditional meals at ELIXIRION guest house.
Olive oil which is produced on the same day of harvesting the olives maintaining completely all the nutritious ingredients of the product.
Recognition of Excellence
9 Rated by Guests
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